Where to buy Cloth Menstrual Pads
Clicking on one of these sections below will take you to a page that lists all known sellers in that area. Each Seller will have a page giving information on their products, which includes a guide to the cost of their products as well as sizes available using our own rating system. Please see the How to use this site section for information on what those values are.
Collaborative or "Mall" Stores
These large online stores create an "mall" type shopping experience where you can look through many individual shops while on the one website, but items ship from individual sellers.
- Art Fire - http://www.artfire.com
- Cloth Pad Shop Sellers - http://www.clothpadshop.com/
- eBay Sellers - http://www.ebay.com/
- Etsy Sellers - http://www.etsy.com/
- Hyenacart Sellers - http://hyenacart.com/
- Ozebaby Sellers - http://www.ozebaby.com.au/category.php?SC=8
- TradeMe Sellers - http://www.trademe.co.nz/
Independent Sellers
These are sellers who have Independent shops - sellers who do not sell from one of the collaboration "Mall" stores above.
- Asia including India and Israel
- Australia and New Zealand
- Europe including UK
- North America: Canada, Mexico and the USA
"Hub Shops" or "Resellers"
Hub shops sell multiple brands of pads in one place. These are stores that sell other people's brands of pad, where the pads aren't made by that store, but you can order multiple brands with only one shipping charge.
- Asia including India and Israel
- Australia and New Zealand
- Europe including the UK
- North America: Canada, Mexico and the USA
Charitable Donations
- to the Third World: Ever wonder how women take care of their monthly flow in other parts of the world? The sad truth is that many women do nothing at all, which in most societies means that they cannot leave home for one week out of every month.
The "Goods 4 Girls" project has been closed down, however there are other organisations who will accept donations of handmade cloth pads, as well as businesses who will donate cloth pads on your behalf. http://www.donatepads.org has details of organisations and businesses who deal with pad donations.